Since 1921, Gust Rosenfeld attorneys have accumulated extensive experience and a prominent national reputation in public finance. Throughout the firm’s history, our attorneys have been instrumental in creating Arizona’s statutory and case law on financing municipal and public projects vital to Arizona’s development. We regularly assist clients with a diverse and complex range of options to finance critical infrastructure, public projects and working capital. Our experience includes:
- community facilities districts
- general obligation bonds
- sales and excise tax obligations
- revenue and special assessment bonds
- municipal property corporations
- health care financings
- housing bonds
- improvement districts
- school bonds
- stadium, sports facilities and convention center financings
- higher education financings
- non-profit conduit financings
- P3’s and intergovernmental entities
- disclosure counsel
- underwriters counsel
- bank counsel
- public utility financings
- special tax counsel
- tax audits and controversy
- public pension finance