Election Guidelines for Municipalities
The Arizona statute prohibiting the use of city or town resources to influence the outcome of an election was amended last legislative session to increase the penalty for violations and to define “influencing the outcome of elections.” The amended statute, A.R.S. § 9-500.14, which became effective September 13, 2013, now permits the Attorney General or County Attorney to bring suit to enforce the statute, with a maximum civil penalty for a violation of the law of $5,000. Under the statute, the standard for finding an election violation only requires “…supporting or opposing a ballot measure, a question or proposition, including any bond, budget or override election… in any manner that is not impartial or neutral.”
Attached for your review are Gust Rosenfeld’s Election Guidelines for Municipalities, which reflect the amendments to A.R.S. § 9-500.14.
For more information, please contact one of the public law attorneys below:
Fred H. Rosenfeld – 602-257-7413 – rosenfeld@gustlaw.com
Andrew J. McGuire – 602-257-7664 – amcguire@gustlaw.com
Robert D. Haws | 602-257-7976 | rhaws@gustlaw.com
Susan Plimpton Segal – 602-257-7425 – spsegal@gustlaw.com
Jennifer N. MacLennan | 602-257-7475 | maclennan@gustlaw.com
James T. Giel – 602-257-7495 – jgiel@gustlaw.com