Category: Legal Alerts

Executive & Regulatory Help, But Not Complete Immunity, For Health Care Workers Treating COVID-19

April 10, 2020 By Gust Rosenfeld In Legal Alerts

April 10, 2020 – On April 9, 2020, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed an executive order granting “immunity” from liability for front-line licensed health care workers and volunteers “providing medical services in support of the State’s public health emergency for COVID-19.” Still, the immunity only extends to acts and omissions occurring […]

Congress Provides Financial Relief To Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19

March 30, 2020 By Frank S. Tomkins In Legal Alerts

March 30, 2020 – Congress has enacted legislation to provide small businesses several options for financial relief from the COVID-19 crisis. First, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has been authorized to offer designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic […]

US Department of Labor Issues Guidance on Required Notice to Employees Regarding Families First Coronavirus Response Act

March 26, 2020 By Susan P. Segal In Legal Alerts

March 26, 2020 – The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) requires each “covered” employer to post a notice advising employees of its provisions in a conspicuous place on its premises. This notice must be posted before April 2, 2020, which is the date that the FFCRA becomes effective. The […]

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