Category: Legal Alerts

New Open Meeting Law Amendment

September 18, 2007 By Gust Rosenfeld In Legal Alerts

Effective September 19, 2007, all subcommittees, advisory boards or commissions of a public body will be required to keep minutes under a recently adopted amendment to Arizona’s Open Meeting Law. Such subcommittees and advisory boards will now be required to make available to the public the minutes of a meeting, […]

New Rules Governing the Procurement of Construction Using APDM

March 30, 2007 By Gust Rosenfeld In Legal Alerts

The Arizona Board of Education has adopted new regulations that govern school district procurement of construction services using alternative project delivery methods, including construction-manager-at-risk, design-build, job-order contracting and qualified select bidders list methods. The new regulations provide school districts direction on the procurement and contracting of these alternative project deliver […]

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