New Continuing Disclosure Alert Tool for Issuers of Bonds
It is well known that governmental issuers of bonds are required to provide ongoing disclosures in the form of annual financial information and certain listed events. The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) recently launched a tool that allows governmental issuers to schedule automated email reminders for their annual financial disclosure filing deadlines. This feature is available to those issuers that provide their continuing disclosure filings through the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA) Dataport with MSRB Gateway Accounts. An issuer can add up to three additional email recipients for the reminders, so multiple staff members and/or the issuer’s financial advisor may be included on the alerts.
To schedule the alerts, access EMMA at and click on the EMMA Dataport tab. Click on the “Login” button and enter your information. From the Continuing Disclosure tab of the EMMA Dataport Submission Portal, click on “Schedule and manage email reminders for recurring financial disclosures.” Click the “Create Reminder” link to access the scheduling form.
For more information, please contact one of the public finance attorneys below:
Fred H. Rosenfeld – 602-257-7413 –
James T. Giel – 602-257-7495 –