Revitalize your Community Coming Soon – Brownfields Grant Funding

May 16, 2014 By Barbara U. Rodriguez-Pashkowski In Legal Alerts

Grant funds are available to non-profits, cities, towns, counties, or other governmental entities that are interested in purchasing a brownfield site. The funds may be used to conduct environmental site assessments, asbestos and lead-based paint surveys, and, possibly, some site remediation. Brownfields are properties that may be contaminated with hazardous substances or other pollutants, and typically include properties that were historically used as landfills or dump sites, abandoned facilities, historical preservation buildings, dry cleaners, gas stations, land scarred by mining and auto repair shops.

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is accepting applications for fiscal year 2015, which begins July 1, 2014, and highly recommends that applications be submitted before June 30, 2014.

For more information about the brownfields program, go to:

For more information, please contact Barbara Rodriguez-Pashkowski using the contact information below.

Barbara U.

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